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What is the difference between Github Enterprise Cloud ( and Github Enterprise Server (

Github Enterprise Server is hosted on prem and managed by the SRE team. Github Enterprise Cloud is hosted on as an "Enterprise", which allows for an SSO barrier aroud Orgs and Repos in the Enterprise on itself. DevEx manages Github Enterprise Cloud.

Why do I need a account? What about SSO?#

A user account is required to interact with and commit code to Your user account on will be linked to the UMN SSO in order to access the Enterprise. This will result in two logins, one for your user and one for interacting with UMN Enterprise orgs and repositories. This will also mean two separate 2 factor authentication setups, One for and another for UMN's Duo. See User Management for more information on accounts.

What about Github Copilot?#

Use of Github Copilot is currently turned off while policy is being discussed.

What about Github Packages?#

Packages is available but currently set to a 50GB limit over the entire enterprise as we investigate usage.

How do I add someone to my Org?#

Org owners can email with your org and the internetid of the person you'd like to add to open a ticket.